
In order to promote a good working climate for our partners and employees, PPAM Solkraft has established a whistleblower channel where you can report and inform about irregularities such as ongoing crime, unethical behavior or corruption. It can apply to things that have happened, are happening or are likely to happen.

You can also blow the whistle on accidents, abuse of power or other things you want to tell about.

Snö över solceller
Solceller på vatten

Through our implementation, you can choose to remain anonymous and we also have a prohibition in Swedish law that forbids us to in any way investigate who you are. The purpose of this protection is that you should not suffer any reprisals after blowing the whistle. Through your whistleblowing, you are guaranteed and protected thanks to current legislation against retaliation. This means that you cannot be punished for reporting on things that are important to you, your colleagues, people in general and to us as an organization and employer.

We want to give you as an employee, former employee, prospective staff, partner, consultant, subcontractor, intern the best possible protection and solution. Therefore, we have chosen to make our Whistleblower channel available to the external company Whistlesecure. Thanks to this, we do not store any personal data about you when you choose to be anonymous.

By going to https://whistlesecure.com/ppamsolkraftab, you can submit your whistleblowing around the clock, completely anonymously. The service is available in over 70+ languages and has support for those with functional variations and possibly visual impairments.

We have appointed a group

In order to handle all whistle-blowing matters with the highest possible quality and accuracy, we have appointed an internal group which is also supported by external lawyers and lawyers when necessary. The purpose of this is to always be able to act correctly and promptly.

Don’t want to be anonymous?

You don’t have to be anonymous. If you want to do the ”whistleblowing” and state your name, you can do it verbally by audio recording or create a request to do the ”whistleblowing” in a meeting.

Få en kostnadsfri offert

Att skaffa solceller och andra energilösningar ska vara enkelt! Vi erbjuder dig kostnadsfri rådgivning och förslag på nyckelfärdiga lösningar som passar dig bäst. Börja med att kontakta oss redan idag så hjälper vi dig att spara pengar.